miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009


Is a branch of biology and Medicine which studies primarily the internal structure and design of the structure of living things. It is a general term that includes human anatomy, animal anatomy (zootomy) and plant anatomy (phytotomy). (ANATOMIA)


It is a hypersensitivity to a particular substance which, if inhaled, ingested or touched for some characteristic symptoms. The substance to which they are allergic is called a "allergen", and the symptoms are defined as "allergic reactions". When an allergen enters the body of a subject allergic, the immune system responds to this by producing a large amount of antibody called IgE. (ALERGIA)


Also called Alzheimer disease or simply Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative disease that manifests as cognitive impairment and behavioral disorders. Characterized as typical for a progressive loss of memory and other mental abilities, as nerve cells (neurons) die and different areas of brain atrophy. The disease usually have a duration of approximately 10-12 years, although this may vary. (ALZHEIMER)


The definition of anemia includes a number of situations that must be met: The disease refers to a pathological situation that generates symptoms, which determine the anemia. The alteration of the blood related to anemia, rests strictly on erythrocytes and / or hemoglobin. In the blood, which is altered is the total mass of erythrocytes. All the factors and conditions should be taken in relation to the parameters and ranges considered normal and standard. Anemia is considered chronic if it lasts more than six months. Symptoms and signs of anemia are correlated with their intensity, speed of installation and the site where it occurs.(ANEMIA)


Condition in which the body lacks or has lost strength either as a whole or in any of its parts. General asthenia occurs in many chronic wasting diseases, such as anemia and cancer, and is probably most marked in diseases of the adrenal gland.(ASTENIA)


Chronic respiratory disease characterized by airway hyper-reactive, ie an increase in the constrictor response bronco-bronchial tree. Airways finest casual and reversible decrease in size by its smooth muscle contracting or spreading of the mucosa inflamed and produce mucus, usually in response to one or more factors such as exposure to an inappropriate environment (cold, wet or allergen), exercise or effort in hyper-reactive patients, or emotional stress. This narrowing causes obstruction and therefore difficult to move the air that is largely reversible, unlike chronic bronchitis where there is little reversibility(ASMA)


They are glycoproteins secreted by the organism in due to the immunization with an antigen.(ANTICUERPO)


All substance capable of producing an immune response. Any agent considered as stranger by the immunological system(ANTIGENO)


All substance capable of producing an immune response. Any agent considered as stranger by the immunological system


They are technics that prepare, detain or inhibit the bacterial growth, without destroying it. (ANTISEPSIA).


A word that refers to the absence of production of urine or its formation below 100cc/24h.


A word that means etymologically bacteria in the urine(BACTERIURIA)


Is the set of preventive measures that must take the personnel who works in areas of the health to avoid the contagion of diseases of professional risk (BIOSEGURIDAD)

Breast Cancer

It is a malignancy that originates in the accelerated proliferation, disordered and uncontrolled cell with mutated genes, which act by stimulating or suppressing the normal continuity of the cell cycle in different tissues of a mammary gland. trim, in 90% of cases, the interior of the ducts during lactation, have milk from the acinar gland, which produces up galatóforos ducts located behind the nipple and areola, which accumulates in waiting to go outside.(CANCER DE SENO)


It is an inflammation of the lower airways. Occurs when the trachea and bronchi, located between the lungs become inflamed because of an infection or some other cause. In bronchitis, the epithelia lining the major airways, trachea and bronchi, are inflamed [4] and produces an excessive amount of mucus. The person affected by an important bronchitis cough, to expel the mucus, since the amount and efficiency of ciliated cells of respiratory epithelium is eroded. This increases the likelihood that a patient contracts an infectious disease of the air route, which may sometimes lead to pneumonia. Chronic inflammation can produce fibrosis in the lower airways.


Is the term used to describe an abnormal enlargement of the heart or cardiac hypertrophy. It is a symptom that appears in people with chronic systolic heart failure or various types of cardiomyopathies. The cardiomegaly may affect one or both ventricles or atria. Usually classified as follows: cardiomegaly by dilation, which results from damage that weakens the heart muscle, such as a heart attack. Cardiomegaly by hypertrophy: the most usual is that the hypertrophy of the heart is left, or in severe cases, the entire heart. However, there are certain conditions in which there is an isolated hypertrophy of any of the cardiac chambers.(CARDIOMEGALIA)


Infected persons or animals, Sick of study object of health


is the procedure of systematically acquiring and recording information about the members of a given population. It is a regularly occurring and official count of a particular population.(CENSO)

Cerebro Vascular Accident (CVA or ACVA)

Abrupt interruption of blood flow to the brain, causing a range of symptoms varying according to the area of brain affected. According to their etiology, are often classified as follows: ischemic attack: Also called stroke and were due to the occlusion of one of the arteries that irrigate the brain mass. Accidents bleeding: Also known as stroke and cerebral hemorrhage due to rupture of a brain blood vessel due to a hypertensive peak or a congenital aneurysm.(ACCIDENTE CEREBRO VASCULAR)

Congestive Heart Failure

Complex syndrome characterized by a set of physical signs and symptoms secondary to an alteration of ventricular function of heart valves or the load of the ventricles. Heart failure is a slow process that usually worsens with time. You may have no symptoms for many years. This manifestation and slow progression of the ICC is due to the efforts of the heart to compensate for its gradual weakening. It does increase in size in an effort to pump faster to circulate more blood through the body.(INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA CONGESTIVA)


It is the presence of infectious agents in the surface of a body, dress, clothes, instruments, including the water and foods.(CONTAMINACION)

Deep vein thrombosis or DVT

Is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body. Normally occurs in the legs or thighs. If the vein becomes inflamed, this condition is called thrombophlebitis. A DVT can break off and cause a serious problem in the lungs known as pulmonary embolism, heart attack or a stroke.(tombosis venosa profunda)


Elimination of the products of waste of the digestion.(DEFECACION)

martes, 2 de junio de 2009


Excessive loss of water and minerals a body. Can occur by being in a situation of very hot (especially if there is high humidity), exercise, lack of drinking or a combination of these factors. Also occurs in those diseases where fluid and electrolyte balance is disturbed, basically, this is usually due to lack of intake or excess removal. The symptoms of dehydration, in addition to the dryness of mucous membranes caused by thirst, they can be: nausea, lack of strength or performance degradation, mental and physical fatigue and skinfold without nailing the nail becomes the brand. (DESHIDRATACION).


Acute febrile illness, diseases in the tropics, is caused by four closely related virus serotypes of the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. (DENGUE).

Delayed hypersensitivity

Hypersensitivity reaction when developing an immune response directed against elements that should not be regarded as outsiders, or to pathogens, but in an inappropriate way. (HIPERSENSIBILIDAD RETARDADA).


Disease characterized by the high quantity of glucose in the blood. (DIABETES).


Procedure of diffusion by means of which the blood is devoid of potentially pathogenic substances of waste, which are eliminated by means of intrabdominales exchanges or using artificial filters. (DIALISIS).


Any state where there is any type of damage of the health of the human organism. Alteration in the psychosocial, biological, mental state of the individual. (ENFERMEDAD).


Decrease of the concentration of a concentrated solution or "mother”. (DILUCION).


Destruction of the infectious agents outside the organism by average chemicals or physicists. (DESINFECCION).


Painful micturition or with a burning feeling. (DISURIA).


It is a generous and altruistic act by which a person indicates her will that as of the moment of its death, any part of its body apt for the transplant can be used to help to the s person. (DONACION).


It is the content of active beginning of a medicine, expressed in quantity for unit of capture, for unit of volume or weight, depending on the presentation, which will be administered to the patient. (DOSIS).


Excess of fluid in the intermediate fabric or in the serous cavities. It can be exuded or transuded.(EDEMA).


It is the graph that is obtained with the electrocardiograph to measure the electrical activity of the heart in the form of continuous graphical tape.(ELECTROGARDIOGRAMA).


They are suspensions of liquid in liquid. (EMULSION).


Habitual number of cases of a disease that one presents in a given place. (ENDEMIA)


Occurs when new cases of a certain disease occur in a given human population, during a given period, substantially exceed what is "expected," based on recent experience (the number of new cases in the population during a specified period of time is called the incidence rate). (An epizootic is the analogous circumstance within an animal population.) In recent usages, the disease is not required to be communicable; examples include cancer or heart disease. (EPIDEMIA).


Is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations, and serves as the foundation and logic of interventions made in the interest of public health and preventive medicine. It is considered a cornerstone methodology of public health research, and is highly regarded in evidence-based medicine for identifying risk factors for disease and determining optimal treatment approaches to clinical practice. (EPIDEMIOLOGIA).


Stage process of nursing when the plan care made is really put into practice. (EJECUCION).


Extravascular liquid of inflammatory character that presents a high concentration of proteins, and abundant cellular remains. (EXUDADO).


Increase of the corporal temperature overhead of the circadian normal range and it combines with the alteration in the point of the hypothalamic adjustment. (FIEBRE).


Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which in gastroscopy is red, appearing in various forms of imagery in flame red or subepithelial hemorrhages. It is possible that only part of the stomach is affected or what is all the gastric area. There are several causes, such as eating habits, stress, excessive consumption of analgesics (aspirin, piroxicam, indomethacin, etc.) Or Helicobacter pylori infection. Sometimes symptoms are not presented, but as usual there is burning or pain in the epigastrium, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, etc. It is commonly found symptoms related to gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn and stomach. (GASTRITIS).

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Occurs when a muscle at the end of the esophagus does not close properly. This allows the stomach contents of the return, or do reflux into the esophagus and irritate. You can see a burning sensation in the chest or throat called heartburn. Sometimes you can feel the taste of the liquid of the stomach in the back of the mouth. This is acid indigestion. If you have these symptoms more than twice a week, you may have GERD. (REFLUJO GASTROESOFAGICO).


It is a muscular pump that owns 4 cavities, has the size of a fist and annoys with an average of 70 times per minute. (CORAZON).


Presence of blood in the urine over three or five hematíes for field or more than 500.000 hematíes in the urine of 12h. (HEMATURIA).


Is a method to eliminate of the blood residues like potassium and urea, as well as water in excess when the kidneys are incapable of this (that is to say when there is a renal fault). (HEMODIALISIS).


Inflammatory condition or disease that affects the liver. Its cause may be infectious (viral, bacterial, etc..), Immunological (for auto-antibodies) or toxic (eg alcohol, drugs or poisons). It is also considered, depending on its etiology, a sexually transmitted disease. Are those specific for hepatitis, ie those that cause hepatitis. There are many: virus, virus B, C, D, E, F, G. The most important are viruses A, B, C, and to a lesser extent, D and E, being the last, F and G described recent and less studied. or not.(HEPATITIS)


Elevated sensation to painful stimuli that can take place after a soft injury or tissue injury that contains NOCICEPTORES of a peripheral nerve.(HIPERALGESIA)


It is defined as the increase of the corporal temperature over the point of adjustment hypothalamic due to an insufficient dissipation of heat without being half-full for citocinas.(HIPERTERMIA).

lunes, 1 de junio de 2009


presence of an excessive quantity of air or oxygen in the lungs. (HIPERVENTILACION).


is a decrease of the circulating volume of blood due to multiple factors like hemorrhage, dehydration, burns, among others. (HIPOVOLEMIA)


Intentional maintenance of an internal stable by means of physiological coordinated processes that are opposed to the changes. (HOMEOSTASIS).